The New Stamp Duty Surcharge for Non-Residents
15th April 2021, 4:00 PM
Patrick Cannon and Gordon Keenay held a free live afternoon webinar on the 15th April 2021 by Zoom where they discussed The New Stamp Duty Surcharge for Non-Residents
Webinar Agenda
1600 – 1700
- Who and what is affected
- UK resident close companies with foreign interests
- The stamp duty residence tests for individuals, partnerships and trusts
- When is it worth claiming Multiple Dwellings Relief
- Getting a refund after the charge has been paid
- How will HMRC check people’s movements?
17:00 – 17:30 – Question and Answer Session
To put questions to Patrick Cannon and Gordon Keenay in a live question and answer session.
You can watch the full webinar back here